Thursday, December 10, 2009


I have not blogged on Plotz yet, and I'm not sure why, because I really enjoyed reading The Good Book. He made the Bible more approachable for people with short attention spans, or those that were interested in the Bible, just not very interested in actually reading it. For example: his appendix at the end of the book is what I started out reading, before diving into the book. At first glance, I just thought, oh, this is some guys own experience that he had with the Bible, and is going to give some facts, details, and information... however, after reading the appendix, I was pleasantly supprised. The appendix includes:

-The Bible's twelve best pickup lines
-The nine best parties
-My favorite prostitutes
-Eleven heroes you don't want to be named after
-Nine truly hellacious divine punishments
-The eight trippiest and most important dreams
-Nine weird laws
-The six most important business deals
-Six abuses of animal rights
-The ten most important meals

"Well, this looks promising," I thought to myself. This guy seems like he find the relatable information in the Bible, and puts it into real world situations that we can actually understand! Booze, Feminism, Sex, Trippy dreams, Animal Rights, Laws, Prostitutes, Wars, Hellacious punishements... what more could a girl ask for? These were issues that I knew existed in the Bible, I was just never able to look at them as entertainment like David Plotz enabled me to. By bringing pop culture into studying the Bible, Plotz has made it relateable.

Chicken Soup for the Hebew Soul
God's Whole Grain Hippie Prophet
Hot and Holy
The First Miss Universe Pageant
The Source of all Jewish Comedy
Why so many Bible Hookers?
The meathead and the left-handed assassin
Kings of Pain

Anyways. Just wanted to say I appreciate that this was put onto our reading list for the semester because not only was it VERY informative, It made me start to enjoy and appreciate the Bible more than I have in the past.

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