Monday, October 26, 2009


My sister went to a catholic high school and went there full of optimism, and graduated the catholic school an atheist. I respected her when she said she had made this change in her feelings towards religion because I felt as though she had been educated enough to make her own opinions. Because of this, I found it rather funny that she decided to name her new puppy Jezebel.

I found the name of her dog ironic for in the Bible, Jezebel is introduced as a Phoenician princess, and ends up marrying King Ahab. She is able to eventually control her husband and convinces her people to commit acts of sexual immorality. Basically, Jezebel is a "wicked" woman, and is associated also with sexual promiscuity.

The reason this is funny that my sisters dog is named Jezebel is due to two different reasons.
One: This annoying little terror of a dog has managed to "own" my sister. She has figured out ways to control her and manipulate Britney to get exactly what she wants. Britney is not the Alpha- Jezebel is the Alpha. And this seemed to be the case between the marriage of King Ahab and his queen.
Two: While Britney's dog is no longer a member of the sexual dog world, (she was spayed) she still has her sexual drive. That little dog will do her little doggy hump with just about anything she can put her little paws on...

See the resemblance? ;)

1 comment:

  1. You sure can't tell just by looking. I saw that picture and, had I not been warned by you, I would have let down my guard completely.
