Monday, September 28, 2009

Notes I found Noteworthy

7 chronological words from "The Great Code"
  1. Creation
  2. Exodus
  3. Law
  4. Wisdom
  5. Prophecy
  6. Gospel
  7. Apocolypse
  • Minding your Ps and Js
J- Yahweh: The better story teller. Some believe this was a female writer.
P- The priestly writer. Systematic. Lists. You have to go out and do something in order to be good.

  • One of the questions asked in class was why should one not name their daughter Jezebel... my sister named her small dog this for the same fact that it would not be appropriate for a person.
  • Pater: male an in charge.
  • Male Patriarchs in the Bible: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob.
  • A movie is just life without all of the boring parts.
  • Epic of Gilamesh: Oldest literary work in the world? Predates the Bible.
  • Cain and Abel: Is knowledge itself erotic?
  • Who is Lillith? She is NOT in the Bible.
  • What is Abel a keeper of? Sheep.
  • Why did the Methuselah take so long? It probably didn't.
  • TNK: Torah, Neviim, Ketuvim. Law, Prophets, Writings
  • Hebrew was not an alphabetical system. The Alphabet was only invented once.
  • An Answer closes down discussion rather than opens it up.
  • Sexson wants everyone to have a really good, and a really bad day.
  • "God helps those who help themselves." This statement is found no where in the Bible.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Erin,

    Here's a good video I found on YouTube about religion, you might like to view it and see if you have any answers for the questions it poses.

    ”God in my life”

    I think it makes a lot of good common sense don't you?

    Chris Hill

    American youth: Young gifted and passionate.
    ”Fiery lady”
